Moulding With Non Woven Textiles

Moulding With Non Woven Textiles
– Exploring analogue and digital sketching techniques in the search for tangible alternatives to cut and sew.
Peterson, Karin, 2014-
This PhD project explores ways to mould and 3D print garments, focusing on analogue sketching techniques suitable for both mediums. I argue that there is a need for the initial design process to take place spatially and in full scale. Digital solutions for design processes are emerging within garment construction, posing as a critique of the currently dominant cut and sew technique. However, these solutions mostly see cut and sew as the final method of assembly, and therefor has their initial sketching method deeply anchored within this process. When materials for 3D printing or moulding of garments has been adequately developed, the full cycle of garment construction can be solely digital and take place in a virtual, non-material, small-scale environment. I question what consequences this will have to the now profoundly full-scale and tactical process of form-giving in the early stages of garment making and what consequences it will have for the overall expression of fashion. Further, I raise the question of why we should adapt the cut and sew technique to fit digital mediums when free to explore formgiving as well as final assembly in fashion, working alternative mediums through new methods.
Rather than speculating this with the limitation of words I use alternative mediums to that of fabric on roll, working these with analogue sketching techniques in conjunction with digital modes of development and final assembly, hoping this ‘hodgepodging’ of ‘analogue’ and ‘digital’ will allow me to further understand how aesthetics may change or allow to develop within future fashion and garment making.