Beyond Seeing

Beyond Seeing
Vidmina Stasiulyte, Stina Randestad, Linda Aasaru, Dana Jasinkeviča, Elin Holm, Lynn Tallvod
The fashion world is primarily a visual experience. Trends show up in public places and spread by mass media, images, and photos. It is a universe that a blind or visually impaired person is excluded from. The new project Beyond Seeing wants to find answers to how the blind and visually impaired people experience fashion in these circumstances.
Funding body and coordinator: Goethe Institut Paris
Swedish funding: City of Borås.
Fashion Schools:
The Swedish School of Textiles/University of Borås (Sweden), Institut Français de la Mode (Paris, France) and La Cambre (Brussels, Belgium), Esmod Berlin International University of Art for Fashion (Berlin, Germany),
Visually Impaired Youth (Sweden), VIEWS International (Belgium), Deutscher blind und Sehbehindertenverband (Germany) and the Fédération des Aveugles (France).
Photo: Geothe/Vidmina Stasiulyte