DRAFTS 3 - Student Exhibition & Performances

DRAFTS 3: student exhibition & performances
DRAFTS 3: Student Exhibition & Performances
12-20 May, 2022, Berlin Open Lab, Germany
The student exhibition at Berlin Open Lab invites students of The Swedish School of Textiles, Berlin University of the Arts, Berlin-Weissensee Art Academy, HTW Berlin - University of Applied Sciences, Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts and Technical University of Berlin to discuss the role of artifacts in design processes from their perspectives. In an international collaboration between these universities, 25 individual or collaborative student projects are presented in the format of a pop-up exhibition and performances at Berlin Open Lab.
Jan Tepe, Faseeh Saleem, prof. Berit Greinke, Dr. Vidmina Stasiulyte
University of Borås – The Swedish School of Textiles, Berlin University of the Arts, Berlin-Weissensee Art Academy, HTW Berlin - University of Applied Sciences, Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts, Technical University of Berlin, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Einstein Center Digital Future, Edinburgh College of Art - The University of Edinburgh, ArtEZ University of the Arts, designtransfer, Berlin Open Lab
Thorsten Lühring, Dencine Castillo, Nico Zimmermann, Imke de Boer Kristian Barella Greve, Johanna Sehrig, Maria-Helena Loheide, Hong Van Nguyen, Aida Hasemzadehhomayouni, Hristina Asenova, Hannah Perner-Wilson, Julian Jungel, Magda Roth
Mika Satomi, Hannah Perner-Wilson, Ella Estrella Tischa Raetzer, Clemens Kramer, Jin Jing, Tin Wang & Julika Hother, Rodolfo Acosta Castro, Mirjam Ida Kislinger, Freia Antonia Weiss, Anastasia Almosova, William Wahlström, Christine Snedker, Caroline Ingeholm, Sophie Jungkvist, Leonie Burkhardt, Pepita Neureuter, Louise Linderoth, Emily Fuhrmann, Sara Hassoune, Mirte Luijmes, Saskia Buch, Yanshan Ou, Zora Kutz
Berlin Design Week