A border between
A border Between
Elias Högberg, 2016, MA thesis
The aim of this work is to investigate a way of developing deconstruction through abstraction. It does so by Looking in to borders. The borders created in between garments and sections in an outfit. Using techniques of reduction to abstract and deconstruct garments. Going away from the physical. aspects of a garment and instead starting out in the metaphysical. aspects.
In the work borders acts as a cohesive element when observing garments. Rather then the architectural. skeleton as in traditional. deconstruction.
Abstraction is used as a tool. to separate the garment into essential aspects such as color, material. and garment details. Which are then composed back together again in a redefined garment, creating a new perspective.
The method circulates around a circular knitting jacquard machine. It's possibilities and Limitations creates a framework for the method. Color compositions and materials are circular knitted and used to define borders of garments in an outfit. Flat knitting is used to add more complex knitted areas, such as rib details. The result is a series of examples on how to use abstraction as deconstruction through borders. By looking at materials, colours and garment details.