DRAFTS 3: Communicating knowledge through design research artifacts

DRAFTS 2022 video invite
DRAFTS 3: Communicating knowledge through design research artifacts
Research project (Research exhibition, symposium and student exhibition & performances)
12-20 May 2022, Berlin, Germany
The multi-platform event DRAFTS invites researchers and designers to discuss the role of artifacts in research and design activities within disciplines such as fashion, textile, and interaction design. What is an artifact? The term can be understood and explored in varied ways. In alignment with scholarly voices, artifacts could be regarded as “intermediary knowledge”, “bridging concept” (Dalsgaard and Dindler, 2014), or “strong concepts” (Höök and Öwgren, 2012), which “can serve as inputs into knowledge production and as outputs for knowledge communication” (Nimkulrat, 2013). The multi-platform event DRAFTS explores in its different venues these conceptions of what research artifacts in design processes can be.
In an international collaboration between the Berlin University of the Arts and the University of Borås – The Swedish School of Textiles, artistic and research-based works are presented as part of an exhibition and an online symposium at designtransfer. These activities are accompanied by a one-day event at the Berlin Open Lab, during which students of the organizing institutes present design projects and performances together with students of the Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch to discuss the role of artifacts in design processes from their perspectives.
Curators and Organising Team: Jan Tepe, Faseeh Saleem, Dr. Vidmina Stasiulyte, Prof. Dr. Berit Greinke