Notes on fashion designers ́ way of working

Notes on fashion designers ́ way of working
Lundstedt, Lotta. (2009) Nordic Textile Journal, ISSN 1404-2487, 11-29
Work processes and methodology in the fashion design field, how to work as a fashion designer, is a central theme in fashion design research at the Swedish School of Textiles. Main challenge is to define basic process models and develop generic methods with a specific focus on tracing central deci- sions in the fashion design process.
Main objective in one ongoing project1 has been to describe and analyse cen- tral design decision in the fashion design through a series of case studies. We have performed long-term studies at two larger Swedish fashion companies.To complement these studies we have interviewed, actually discussed with, six young Swedish fashion designers about their way of working and how they think about their design process. They all work in companies where they have a crucial influence on the final design of a collection. We have tried to get as close to personal reflection as possible to document practices of design meth- ods. We have chosen the following approach: long discussions have been filmed and then transcribed with only minor text editing.