DRAFTS:3 - Communicating Knowledge Through Design Research Artefacts
Editors: Ilka Schaumberg, Jan tepe, Berit Greinke, Faseeh Saleem & vidmina Stasiulyte
2022 (English). DRAFTS 3: Communicating Knowledge Through Design Research Artifacts. Published by designtransfer - Berlin University of the Arts. Berlin, Germany. October 2022. (Refereed) [Artistic Output] Published
DRAFTS:3 invited more than 80 researchers and designers to discuss the role of artefacts in research and design activities within disciplines such as fashion, textile, and interaction design. Specific to the third iteration of DRAFTS, researchers and designers contributed material and immaterial artefacts to the exhibition with the aim of framing discussions around the role of artefacts in communicating knowledge. The various schools of thought that the participating researchers and designers follow, allowed for a multifaceted dialogue to emerge, suggesting various approaches to communicating knowledge through design research artefacts.