Formal Transcendence

Formal Transcendence
Clemens Thornquis, 2010
This work aims to explore and present the inevitability of three generally adverse qualities in research methods. The point is to examine these qualities philosophically, without the further aim to disclose anything explicit concerning the content on which they feed. instead, the work investigates the actualities and possibilities of what together can be noted as a formal transcendence in methods emphasising animated qualites in research. At the same time, being both a participating subject and an observer from a distance, the voyeur is both present and absent; literally, in-between – inter esse. Voyeurism in general, and not only understood in the everyday sense of the word implying sexual arousal by observing people’s intimate situations, is the engaged participating interest where every modality of the body is at work together. at the same time, however, voyeurism involves participating and reflecting from a distance without interfering with the object investigated.
As not so much the opposite of, but rather, the foundation for voyeurism, immanence here refers, not to the quality, but instead the ability to remain within, throughout all aspects of the vast and overwhelming spatial world. Through an act of allusion, things do not replace but merely indicate the infinity of nostalgia, and so becomes the long way home. in this gradual direction home, an immanence through all the manifestations of worlds becomes the fundamental movement for actualisation with motives from within. In order to re-make things into something different, there is first the necessary act of misunderstanding, or simply, an intentional or unintentional amnesia. Before things can be re-made into a new meaning, a new direction or a new perspective, the elements to build on must be deprived of their connotations, their contexts, their meanings. From here, as formless, uncategorised and meaningless fragments, things are made into differences.
Formal Transcendence clemens Thornquist
First edition: sep, 2010
isBn: 978-91-85659-54-8 cover: alexandria, 2007
Published by The Textile research centre, cTF The swedish school of Textiles university of Borås
501 90 Borås, sweden www.hb.se/ths/ctf