Introducing Sensory-material Aesthetics in Textile Design Education

Introducing Sensory-material Aesthetics in Textile Design Education
Erin Lewis and Vidmina Stasiulyte
2022 (English), In: Diseña, ISSN 2452-4298, Vol. 20, Article in journal (Refereed) [Artistic work] Published
In textile design education, material expressions tend to be directed toward visual-tactile sensory domains. Yet, materials are perceived by all senses, as the body’s experience is mediated through multiple sensory modalities. This paper presents an experiential learning workshop designed to introduce textile design students to somaesthetics as a way to increase sensory competencies and enrich the exploration of sensory-material expressions in textile design. Teaching methods involved a sensitizing exercise, a reflective sense collage, a collaborative sense map task, and a final design task. An evaluative discussion is based on workshop feedback by the students and reflections by the researchers. The main contributions of the paper are guidelines as an inspirational source for introducing sensory-material aesthetics in textile design education.