Jan Tepe
Research Interest
Driven by concepts of agential realism, post-phenomenology and post-humanism, his research and design practice look at the mediating and disruptive affordances of digital technology. He carries out artistic- and practice-based research that questions distinctions of the body as ‘something’ to design for, fabrics as’ something’ to design, and space as ‘something’ to design within. In doing so, his research reflects and speculates on the role and function of materials in design, undergoing transitions within digital modes of practice and engagement.
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Projects and Publications
Research projects:
Fashion and Digital Games Intersections – Collaborative research project / University of Borås and University of Skövde 2021-2022
Fashion and Robotics – Research Residency at Creative Robotics Lab / Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria August 2022 – October 2022
Digital Lab – Member of the planning committee; Digitalising design-based educational programmes and learning environments at the Swedish School of Textiles. 2022 - ongoing
Tepe, J. (2023). Shifting Spaces in Fashion: Approaching Digital Design Spaces From a Physical Perspective. In International Association of Societies of Design Research Congress 2023 (IASDR23). October, 19-23, Milan, Italy. 17 pages. doi.org/10.21606/iasdr.2023.507
Tepe J., Gollob E., Escudero J.A., and Bastani, A. (2023). Intra-Acting Body and Textile Expressions Becoming with Digital Movement Translation: Exploring relational expressions of the body and textiles using a human-robot-textile installation. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’23), April 23–28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3544549.3582736
Tepe, J. & Koohnavard, S. (2022). Fashion and Game Design as Hybrid Practices: Approaches in Education to Creating Fashion-related Experiences in Digital Worlds. In International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education. Published by Taylor & Francis Ltd. pp. 1-12. DOI: 10.1080/17543266.2022.2103591
Tepe, J. (2022). Wearing Body Shapes: Designing and Experiencing Dress as Poly-Body Objects at the Intersection of the Physical and the Digital. Proceedings of IFFTI Conference International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes. Nottingham, United Kingdom. April 5-8, 2022. pp. 1-18.
Tepe, J. & Saleem, F. (2022). The Body and Textiles at the Intersection of the Physical and the Digital Through Movement: Investigating Alternative Body-Textile Expressions for Fashion Design. In Bruyns, G. & Wei, H (eds.) With Design: Reinventing Design Methods. Published by Springer Nature. Switzerland. Chapter 142. pp. 1-13.
Tepe, J., (2021). Digital Fashion Innovation from the Perspective of Artistic Design Research. 2nd Digital Fashion Innovation Symposium. Manchester Metropolitan University. Manchester, UK.
Tepe, J. (2021). Investigating Sensory Perception as a Material for Fashion Design. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Proceedings of CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Yokohama, Japan. May 8-13, 2021. pp. 1-10.
Kooroshnia, M. & Tepe, J. (2020). Using coloured lights in physical and immersive VR environments as material for design. In: Griber, Y. A. and Schindler V. (Ed.), The International Scientific Conference Of The Color Society Of Russia. Smolensk, Russia. December 1–5, 2020. pp. 207-212.
Kooroshnia, M., Tepe, J. & Gil, L. (2022). Coloured Light Explorations in Different Realities. Exhibited at DRAFTS 3: Communicating Knowledge Through Design Research Artifacts. designtransfer - Berlin University of the Arts. Berlin, Germany. May 2022.
Tepe, J. & Saleem, F. (2022). Textile Movement Translated as Digital Body Movement. Exhibited at DRAFTS 3: Communicating Knowledge Through Design Research Artifacts. designtransfer - Berlin University of the Arts. Berlin, Germany. May 2022.
Tepe, J. (2021). Potentials of Virtual Spaces for Designing Dress. Exhibited at DRAFTS 2: Design Research Artifacts in the Context of Exhibition. 1st Art Triennal - Unpredictable Futures, Molétai Region Museum. Molétai, Lithuania. May-October 2021.
Tepe, J. (2021). Designing Digital Dress in Virtual Spaces. Exhibited at DRAFTS: Design Research Artifacts as an Intermediary Knowledge. Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design. Lahore, Pakistan. March 2021.
Conference speaker:
Tepe, J., (2022). Transforming 3D Body Scans into Digital Dress. ArcInTex Network Symposium - Ph.D. Forum. Pennsylvania State University. Penssylvania, USA. April 8th, 2022.
Tepe, J. (2021). Body, Dress, and Technology - Investigating the Intersection of the Physical and the Digital in Fashion Design for Designing Dress. The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education. The American University of Paris. Paris, France. October 1-2 2021.
Tepe, J., (2020). Imagining the Garment as a Perceptive Body. Dress & Body Association - Virtually Undressed: Researching the Body in the Digital Age. Michigan State University. Michigan, USA. November 13-14, 2020.
Tepe, J., (2019). Sketching the Three-Dimensional with Virtual Reality Technology. ArcInTex Network Symposium - Ph.D. Forum. L’École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoartifs. Paris, France. December 18-20, 2019.
Tepe, J. (2024). Proceedings of the Dialogical Bodies Conference: Everything and Everybody as Material. April 19-20, Borås, Sweden. 98 pages. ISBN: 978-91-89833-51-7
Schaumberg, I., Tepe, J., Greinke, B., Saleem, F. & Stasiulyte, V. (eds.) DRAFTS 3: Communicating Knowledge Through Design Research Artifacts. Published by designtransfer - Berlin University of the Arts. Berlin, Germany. October 2022.
SoftwareX Journal. Volume 27. Editor Randall Sobie. To be published in September 2024.
Textile Intersections Conference. Track: Interactive and Performative Textiles. Loughborough University London. London, United Kingdom. September 2023
Tepe, J. (2023). Physically Engaging in Digital Fashion Design Processes. Workshop for BA and MA Fashion Design students. Art University Linz - Fashion and Technology Department. Linz, Austria. 15-17th November 2023.
Tepe, J. (2023). Approaching Generative Adversarial Network Systems for Design in Fashion. Workshop for BA Fashion Design students. Berlin University of the Arts. Berlin, Germany. 30-31st October 2023.
Tepe, J., & Schreiber, F., (2022). Body | Dress | Data - Digitizing and Phygitizing Bodies. Collaborative Workshop for MA Students in Design & Computation and Fashion Design. Berlin University of the Arts and Technical University Berlin. Berlin, Germany. 16-18th August 2022.
Braumann, J., Bastani A., & Tepe, J., (2022). Fantastic Robots and Where to Find Them. Collaborative workshop for international students as part of the Ars Electronica Festival Initiative. Johannes Keppler University and Kunstuniversität Linz. Linz, Austria. 29th August 2022.
Research podcast:
Tepe, J. (2022) Integrating Digital Technology in Fashion Education. In Stauss R. & Schreiber F (eds.) In Fashion is a great teacher ‘What kinds of fashion education are needed now? a global choir of voices and ideas – special edition from The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education 2021’ Fashion is a great teacher – The fashion education podcast by Renate Stauss & Franziska Schreiber, 10 October, (35’)
Invited research talks and lectures:
Challenges of a transitioning design discipline towards the digital - Presentation. Event hosted by Prof. Susanne Müller-Elsner at Akademie Mode und Design Hamburg. Hamburg, Germany. May 2022.
Fashion Design Meets Speculative Design - Presentation. Event hosted by Prof. Illona Kötter at Akademie Mode und Design Bielefeld. Bielefeld, Germany. May 2022.
The Digitization of the Fashion Design Industry - Presentation. Event hosted by Prof. Franziska Schreiber at University of Art and Design Burg Giebichenstein. Halle, Germany. January 2022.
Using Virtual Reality Technology as a Tool for Fashion Design - Presentation. Event hosted by Prof. Muhammad Umar at Pakistan Insititue of Fashion and Design. Lahore, Pakistan. December 2020.
Virtual Fashion Making - Presentation. Event hosted by Prof. Waldemar Kraus at Berlin University of the Arts. Berlin, Germany. June 2020.
Artistic-based Research in Fashion Design - Presentation. Event hosted by Prof. Dr. Berit Greinke at Berlin University of the Arts. Berlin, Germany. November 2019.
Received awards:
IFFT: NTUXIFFTI 2022 - Fashion Re-imagined. IFFTI Award: Best Full Paper for ’Wearing Body Shapes: Designing and Experiencing Dress as Poly-Body Objects at the Intersection of the Physical and the Digital’. At IFFTI Conference International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes. Nottingham, United Kingdom. April 2022.
IFFT: NTUXIFFTI 2022 - Fashion Re-imagined. IFFTI Initiative Award: Doctoral Study for ’Wearing Body Shapes: Designing and Experiencing Dress as Poly-Body Objects at the Intersection of the Physical and the Digital’. At IFFTI Conference International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes. Nottingham, United Kingdom. April 2022.